State regulations require that children in care for a full day have a rest period. We observe our rest period from 1:00-3:00 daily. We ask that the children bring a small blanket to leave for the week. Blankets will be sent home on Fridays to be washed and returned the following week.
We understand that some children may not nap when they are home with you. Don't be surprised if they do after a busy morning at school. We also understand that afternoon naps may make bedtime at home more difficult for you. We do not require that the children sleep during rest period, only that they rest quietly on their mats. It is our belief that if a child falls asleep during this time, that they are tired and their bodies need rest.
Small Wonders will provide nutritious morning and afternoon snacks. Snack menus are available upon request. Please send a bag lunch with an ice pack. Each classroom is equipped with a microwave for "heat-ups" if necessary.
Children should come to school in clothes that are comfortable and unrestrictive. Clothing that they can manage themselves is extremely helpful.
Please keep in mind that children may get dirty while at Small Wonders. Change of clothing may be needed in the event of accidents, art, or daily activity. Every child should have at least one full set of clothing in their cubby. Please label everything that belongs to your child.
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